$ishome=""; // Pour le script : pas touche :)
echo "<center><font size='8' color='$GrosTitrecoul'>$GrosTitre</font></center>";
echo "
<br /><br /><center>
<table border='0'>
$nbfiles = 0;
$currfile = "";
$filestab[0] = "";
if (! is_dir($thumb_dir))
mkdir($thumb_dir, 0777);
if (! is_dir($desc_dir))
mkdir($desc_dir, 0777);
for ($i=0; $currfile = readdir($handle);$i++)
$Tofs[$i] = $currfile;
for ($i=0; isset($Tofs[$i]); $i++)
$Tof = $Tofs[$i];
$currfile = "$Photos$Tof";
// We get the extension of the current file and keep only image files
$extension= strtolower(substr( strrchr( $currfile, "." ), 1 ));
if ($extension== "gif" || $extension== "jpg" || $extension== "jpeg" || $extension== "png")
$currfile = trim($currfile);
$filestab[$nbfiles] = $currfile;
if ($ishome == "")
$size = GetImageSize($currfile);
$rtioh = $size[0] / $Hdim;
$rtiol = $size[1] / $Ldim;
if ($rtioh > $rtiol) {
$rtiog = $rtioh;
else {
$rtiog = $rtiol;
$dimH = $size[0] / $rtiog;
$dimL = $size[1] / $rtiog;
$width = $dimH;
$height = $dimL;
$format = $size[2]; //1 = GIF, 2 = JPG, 3 = PNG, 5 = PSD, 6 = BMP
$currthumbfile = $thumb_dir . "/" . $thumb_prefix . $Tof;
if (! file_exists($currthumbfile))
//Chemin des images
//Augmente la limite de mémoire pour les grosses images
ini_set ( "memory_limit", "20M");
//Taille de l'image
$img_size = getimagesize($currfile);
//On stocke les données sur le fichier
$file = array(
'hauteur' => $img_size[1],
'largeur' => $img_size[0]
//Nouvelle taille de limage
$width_handler = $file['largeur'] - $Ldim;
$height_handler = $file['hauteur'] - $Hdim;
$size_handler = ($width_handler > $height_handler) ? $file['largeur'] : $file['hauteur'];
$max_handler = ($width_handler > $height_handler) ? $Ldim : $Hdim;
$new_width = ($file['largeur'] / $size_handler) * $max_handler;
$new_height = ($file['hauteur'] / $size_handler) * $max_handler;
// Type d'image
switch ($extension)
case 'jpg' : $open = 'imagecreatefromjpeg';
$write = 'imagejpeg';
case 'jpeg' : $open = 'imagecreatefromjpeg';
$write = 'imagejpeg';
case 'bmp' : $open = 'imagecreatefromwbmp';
$write = 'imagewbmp';
case 'png' : $open = 'imagecreatefrompng';
$write = 'imagepng';
case 'gif' : $open = 'imagecreatefromgif';
$write = 'imagegif';
default : message('Erreur Fatale');
$dest_file = $currthumbfile;
$src_w = $file['largeur'];
$src_h = $file['hauteur'];
$dst_im = ImageCreateTrueColor($new_width,$new_height);
$src_im = $open($currfile);
$currfile = str_replace(" ","%20",$currfile); // Allow filenames with space characters
$currfile = str_replace("é","%E9",$currfile); // Allow filenames with space characters
$currfile = str_replace("è","%E8",$currfile); // Allow filenames with space characters
$currfile = str_replace("à","%E0",$currfile); // Allow filenames with space characters
// $currfile = str_replace("ë","%EB",$currfile); // Allow filenames with space characters
// $currfile = str_replace("ï","%EF",$currfile); // Allow filenames with space characters
$currthumbfile = str_replace(" ","%20",$currthumbfile); // Allow filenames with space characters
$currthumbfile = str_replace("é","%E9",$currthumbfile); // Allow filenames with space characters
$currthumbfile = str_replace("è","%E8",$currthumbfile); // Allow filenames with space characters
$currthumbfile = str_replace("à","%E0",$currthumbfile); // Allow filenames with space characters
// $currthumbfile = str_replace("ë","%EB",$currthumbfile); // Allow filenames with space characters
// $currthumbfile = str_replace("ï","%EF",$currthumbfile); // Allow filenames with space characters
<td valign='top'>
<a class="smoothbox" rel="galerie<?php echo $idalbum;?>" href="<?php echo $currfile; ?>" target="_blank" style="border:0;" title="<?php echo $Tof; ?>">
<img border="0" src="<?php echo $currthumbfile; ?>" width="<?php echo "$width";?>" height="<?php echo "$height";?>"<?php
$currfile = str_replace("%20"," ",$currfile); // Clean display of filenames with space characters
$currfile = str_replace("%E9","é",$currfile); // Clean display of filenames with space characters
$currfile = str_replace("%E8","è",$currfile); // Clean display of filenames with space characters
$currfile = str_replace("%E0","à",$currfile); // Clean display of filenames with space characters
// $currfile = str_replace("%EB","ë",$currfile); // Clean display of filenames with space characters
// $currfile = str_replace("%EF","ï",$currfile); // Clean display of filenames with space characters
echo " alt=\"Agrandir $currfile\" />
<br />";
echo "<font color=\"$txtcoul\" size=\"-1\"><b>";
if ($Fichier == 1) {
echo "Fichier : ".$Tof."<br />";
if ($Taille == 1) {
$filesize = filesize($currfile);
echo "Taille : ";
echo floor($filesize / 1024);
echo "Ko<br />";
if ($Descri == 1) {
echo "Longueur : $size[0]<br />Hauteur : $size[1]<br />";
if (! is_file($desc_dir . "/" . $Tof.".txt"))
$inF = fopen($desc_dir . "/" . $Tof.".txt","w");
$inF = fopen($desc_dir . "/" . $Tof.".txt","r");
$ptr = ftell($inF);
$donnees = fgets($inF,255);
if($donnees != "")
echo "Description : </b>";
include $desc_dir . "/" . $Tof.".txt";
echo "</b>";
echo "</font>";
$currfile = str_replace(" ","%20",$currfile); //Clean display of filenames with space characters
$currfile = str_replace("é","%E9",$currfile); //Clean display of filenames with space characters
$currfile = str_replace("è","%E8",$currfile); //Clean display of filenames with space characters
$currfile = str_replace("à","%E0",$currfile); //Clean display of filenames with space characters
// $currfile = str_replace("ë","%EB",$currfile); //Clean display of filenames with space characters
// $currfile = str_replace("ï","%EF",$currfile); //Clean display of filenames with space characters
echo "</td>";
if ($counter == 0)
$counter = $columns;
echo "</tr><tr>";
if ($counter == $columns)
echo "<td> </td>";